It is unfortunate that some associations place more of an emphasis on game play rather than player development.
Truth is, games and scrimmages are for the parents.
Team practices including our N.A.S.C. Hockey Schools and skills sessions that N.A.S.C. provides in addition to the regular program are for player development and individual confidence building.
N.A.S.C. Hockey, approximately fifteen (15) years ago adopted the combined model of Hockey Canada, USA Hockey and the GM Safe and Fun hockey approach towards making hockey fun for all of our players. We started by removing body checking from the association and adopted a greater emphasis on developing the players confidence and ability.
We were the first association to embrace this direction and continue to push the boundaries of instilling confidence into our players.
Numerous studies support our decision on enhancing the practice to game ratio in order to further develop the skill level and fun factor of our kids.
Listed below are a number of links and documents that emphasize the importance of making the game fun, and developing the confidence of the kids on the ice.


The Hockey Canada Skills Development Program is all about development opportunities for both players and coaches. Fundamental skill development is the primary focus of the program, ensuring players receive the necessary learning opportunities to further enhance their skill base.

The Hockey Canada Skills Development Camps, now entering their tenth season, were developed to provide players with an opportunity to enhance their fundament kills in a positive, learning environment.

The primary focus of the camp is centered around on-ice fundamental skills, with time scheduled for life skill enhancement in areas such as respect, fitness and teamwork.

The Hockey Canada Skills Development Camps will be a one-day event open to N.A.S.C. Hockey registered, boys and girls playing in the Atom and PeeWee divisions (9-12 years of age). Registration for the Annual camp will open in October.

The development camps provide players with an experience they will not soon forget !