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Parents Respect-In-Sport Initiative

How to get Started


The Respect in Sport Parent Program, Canada’s only online training and certification program, compliments Respect in Sport for Coaches/Activity Leaders. This program reinforces a parent’s role by encouraging positive sport behaviors and providing insight into other roles, such as coaches and officials, play.


The Respect in Sport Parent program empowers parents to ensure their child’s safety, encourages positive and effective communication, and creates a standard of respectful behavior for all parents of active kids.


The Respect in Sport Program for Parents is a unique, in-depth one (1) hour online program geared to providing the parent with information on how to evaluate and understand: 


  • Parental influence over a child 

  • Coach and leader roles in sport

  • Role of the parent and coach in ensuring a child's enjoyment of a sport

  • Protecting your child when outside of your immediate control

  • Concussion awareness and Return to Play guidelines

  • Long-Term Player Development

All member families are required to hold Respect In Sport certification and registered with the OMHA in place prior to the approval of their child be approved on a Team Roster.



​N.A.S.C. Hockey - Respect In Sport MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS​

In order to ensure the success of this program, it will be a mandatory requirement of N.A.S.C. Hockey that all NEW members of  N.A.S.C. Hockey, must complete the Respect In Sport Parent course. This is the only way your child will be able to register through Hockey Canada as this process will create their Hockey Canada profile.


New Members must complete this course in order to create their child's profile in Hockey Canada first in order to create their account and can then proceed with registration.


Players that are registered with the association, without having a successful completion certificate, WILL NOT be Approved to their team and will be deemed ineligible to participate until such a time that the certificate has been provided, as per OMHA.


Thank you for your continued support of N.A.S.C. Hockey and your commitment to your child in this important initiative.


Please click on the logo below to access the course.

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